Students » Attendance


Patricia Dreizler High School recognizes the importance of communication when dealing with attendance policies. 


If your student is absent, please contact our office on the day of the absence at:


 (310) 798-8690


If you would like to report an absence online:


Please make sure all information is correct in the designated fields.  Email verification will be made within 48 hours of submission. 


Do not report a tardy or request for Off-Grounds Permit online, it will NOT be accepted.


 Click here for link

California Education code states that a student may be excused from school for the following reasons only:

  1. Illness – Excused up to 3 absences, cumulative. Doctor's note required after 3 absences. If a student shows a pattern of chronic absenteeism due to illness, physician verification of any further student absences may be required.
  2. Bereavement
  3. Quarantine
  4. Medical or dental appointment  – Doctor's note stating date and time of appointment is required upon return to campus. Absence not excused until note received.
  5. Political / civic event – Student must notify school ahead of absence. One absence is excused per year.

The school will also excuse the following:

  1. Court appearance
  2. Religious observance
  3. School business/activity.

Please note that teachers are not required to provide make-up work for unexcused absences.